Remote Learning – Week 1
|We are coming towards the end of the first week of Remote Learning and what a week it’s been! Initial glitches with Teams have been ironed out and we have seen brilliant engagement with pupils and parents – working through packs, using Glow/Teams and taking part in live lessons (Primary so far, extending to some Secondary subjects next week).
Everyone has been really proactive and parents have done a tremendous job balancing learning from home with other commitments. You are all superheroes – just like the snow superhero that was shared earlier in the week. Remember that we do no expect parents to replicate a school day – make sure you plan for other activities too (baking, playing, building, relaxing and getting outdoors). And remember we are always at the end of the phone or an email if you want to ask about anything.
We also have a questionnaire which we have emailed out to all parents – only 4 questions but it would help us to help you. If you have the time, it would be appreciated.
Enjoy the weekend when it comes and stay safe.