Category: Wellbeing

School Sleepover

Oh what a night! Our S3 girls YPI group organised a sleepover for p7-S4 pupils to raise awareness and over £350 for the Shetland based Mind Your Head
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Netball Champs!

Huge congratulations to the North Isles Netball team, who won the Shetland inter-schools tournament yesterday! A mixed team with our neighbours, Yell, the lasses played brilliantly together and
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Global Play Day 2022

Play based learning is part of our Improvement Plan for this year and so, on Wednesday 2nd February, our Primary Department and Early Years took part in Global
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Mental Health Week

On Friday our primary classes worked together to create a cartoon depicting their character (that they created on Tuesday) ‘finding their brave’ for children’s mental health week. They
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Anti Bullying Week

This week is Anti Bullying Week – and the Secondary students have been delivering the Anti Bullying message through the medium of puppet theatre! The S2 class wrote
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Peat Restoration

Our John Muir Award Conservers and Explorers were lucky to be involved in some Conservation in action on Monday. They were joined by staff from Shetland Amenity Trust,
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