We stay in a part of the world that is known to experience some wild weather. On occasion, the school may be closed due to severe winds or snow. This decision is made either by the Head Teacher or the Local Authority, after discussion with SIC Roads Department and the local transport operators.
If we are unable to open due to weather, below is a list of home learning activities/opportunities that pupils can access from home. We also understand that everyone’s situation at home is unique and there may be other obstacles which prevent access to these (poor internet connectivity, technology issues, power outages or others).
All Primary Activities
- Read your reading book
- Read some books yourself, or with a parent, for enjoyment.
- Write some news or draw a picture showing some of the things you have done in the snowy weather.
- Play some fun number games in Topmarks.co.uk
- Practice your spelling / code words (this could be in the snow)
Lower Primary Activities
- P1 any Phase 2 games on Phonics Play.
- P2 any phase 2 or 3 game
- Topmarks maths (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
- Ice Art – a flower pot tray or plate – place some ‘treasure’ onto to the tray, gently add water and leave outside.
- Practise writing name in snow
- Take some snow inside on a tray and make a snow village with some small toys/figures.
Middle / Upper Primary
- Practice writing their words in the snow.
- Build a snow man.
- Write what you have done with your snow days.
- Write a story about a snowman coming to life. Explore the adventures and experiences that unfold as the snowman discovers the world beyond its snowy existence. Think about introduction, character development, exploring the world and any challenges that they may encounter.
- Read a book.
- Draw a new front cover for the book.
- Draw a picture of your favourite part and write why.
- Write a book review which includes:
- Title / Author / Genre
- Characters / Plot Summary
- Setting
- Challenges / Conflicts or Themes
- Conclusion / Recommendation
- Topmarks website for educational games.
- Help your family by doing some jobs around the house.
Secondary Activities
Secondary pupils should log into Glow and access Teams and Mail. Teachers will set any work using these, so please check regularly. If you cannot remember your login details, please email paulthomson@shetland.gov.uk.
S4 pupils should be using BBC Bitesize and the SQA Past Paper section for questions to answer.
Other Secondary 1, 2 and 3 activities could include:
- Budget Challenge. You have been given a budget of £100. Your task is to plan a week’s worth of meals (using Tesco.com). Cost it all up, stay within budget and calculate the nutritional value of each meal. Record each meal (including costs/nutritional value) in a poster or presentation or similar.
- Art Challenge. Create a detailed and imaginative drawing of the view from your window. Pay attention to both the familiar and the overlooked details. Use your creativity to add elements that may not be there in reality, but that you wish were present. Can you draw the same scene in the different seasons of the year.
- Music Challenge. Use the websites incredibox or Flat.io to compose your own piece of music.
- Maths Challenge. Go to Number Games for Key Stage 3 children (topmarks.co.uk) and work through some of the online Maths games.
- Technology Challenge. Go to Thunkable.com or the Scratch website. Try to complete an existing project or start a new one. The Griffpatch tutorials on Youtube are excellent to follow.
- Graphical Communication Challenge. Follow one of the Circle Line Art School tutorials on Youtube.
- Science Challenge. How would you insulate your home or any building to prevent heat loss , think about the fabric of the building and also interior design and soft furnishings . You could produce a drawing / collage/ model if you wish or simply a written piece .