Using Glow/Teams
|Hi Everyone. A quick reminder that we are up and running using Glow/Teams for Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary; the teaching staff are using this regularly to communicate with their classes. We would encourage all students to login and interact with your teachers, classmates and friends.
We have shared a video showing how to access Glow/Teams and we would like to help those who are having difficulty accessing this from home. At the start of next week, Mr Spence and I will make contact with families to see if they require any further support with accessing Glow or the packs of work sent out to Primary students.
Our Early Years, Learning Support Team and Teaching Staff are also working hard to make sure we can provide Emergency Childcare for Key Workers. Huge thanks to all of them for doing this.
Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can all enjoy this lovely view again.

Take care and best wishes
Paul Thomson