Category: Trending

P7 -> S1 Transition

The P7s have been developing their software engineering skills, as part of their transition days. Yesterday, the class coded their own fit bit style devices. And tested them
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Platinum Jubilee

The BJHS Platinum Jubilee Tea Party was a huge success. With EY up to S4 all making displays, producing royal artwork and enjoying some fantastic fancies!
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Colour Poems

Lower Primary have been writing their own poems based on favourite colours, senses and emotions. They planned their ideas first and then created their own text maps to
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Netball Champs!

Huge congratulations to the North Isles Netball team, who won the Shetland inter-schools tournament yesterday! A mixed team with our neighbours, Yell, the lasses played brilliantly together and
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S2 SmartPhone App

Our S2 class have been designing and coding up their own app, that can run on their smartphone. They all made apps that shared information and links about
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St Andrews Day

St Andrew’s Day – Upper Primary have been learning about the patron saint of Scotland over the last few days. Today, after discussing tartan, they did a little
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Upper Primary have been very busy learning about chocolate and making their own to sell! They got to taste different types of chocolate to get inspiration for creating
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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day – The nursery and primary department came together to create a Garden of Remembrance with poppies. Lower primary made sun catcher poppies whilst upper primary made
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