Category: Whole School Events

Global Play Day 2022

Play based learning is part of our Improvement Plan for this year and so, on Wednesday 2nd February, our Primary Department and Early Years took part in Global
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Red Nose Day 2021

What a laugh we’ve had today! Whilst raising money for Comic Relief, our pupils have been wearing red and sharing jokes with each other. Each of our classes
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Remote Learning Issues

Day 1 of Remote Learning and we are finding gremlins at work preventing some from accessing Teams/Glow. With the whole of Scotland learning online from today, we are
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Christmas Jumper Day

We raised a terrific £120 for Save The Children with our Christmas Jumper Day. We also had a brilliant Christmas Dinner which left us all stuffed. Thanks to
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Remembrance Day

Primary pupils spent the 11th Nov discussing Remembrance Day and the significance of the Poppy. Lower primary made handprint poppy art and wreaths while upper primary learned about
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Children In Need 2020

We are delighted to announce that our wonderful pupils, staff and parents have raised a grand total of £550 for Children in Need today. Our pupil council organised
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August Return

We have emailed out to all parents, letters and guidance around our return to school. These documents are also available below: Information About Year Groups & Soft Start
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