Category: Whole School Events

World Book Day

On the 2nd March, the whole of Baltasound JHS (Nursery, Primary and Secondary) and some keen parents, came into school to celebrate World Book Day. We were dressing
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Christmas Concert

As usual, the BJHS Christmas Concert was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The evening began with pupils from Nursery to Primary 5 performing Baubles, in which the pupils of
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Halloween party time. There was a highly successful party at Saxa Vord organised by parents to raise funds for the P6/7 Edinburgh Trip next summer over the weekend.
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Macmillan Coffee Morning

Huge thanks to everyone involved in the Macmillan Coffee Morning last Friday – bakers, helpers, contributors, the boys on the ever-popular waffle table, drinkers, eaters and donors. We
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On Friday 30th September, Upper Primary and Secondary spent the day participating in a basketweaving project run by St Andrews University in co-operation with the Shetland Museum and
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Lock-in and breakfast

S1-4 had a lock-in at the school overnight and then prepared breakfast for the school and anyone from the community who wanted to come along in the morning
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